What is Nuclear Energy?

Nuclear energy is energy produced by the nucleus of an atom.

There are two atomic reactions that produce nuclear energy;

Fission and Fusion.

The Fission reaction involves firing neutrons at nuclear materials like Uranium or Plutonium, splitting the atom’s nucleus. 

Nuclear Fission is the process of firing neutrons at the atoms of nuclear materials like Uranium or Plutonium.

This reaction splits the nucleus of the atom, producing vast quantities of heat energy.

This energy is used to heat water, driving a steam turbine and generating electricity.  

Today, 440 Fission power plants operate across 32 countries, providing 10% of the world’s energy.

Nuclear fusion is the process of combining the nuclei of two atoms.

And is the same reaction that generates energy inside stars.

Hydrogen atoms are fused together at temperatures 10 times hotter than the core of the sun, to form helium. 

Nuclear fusion is considered a clean source of energy.

No nuclear waste or greenhouse gasses are generated as a result of the reactions. 

And This reaction produces four times more energy than fission reactions.

Whilst not in use today, scientists are working globally towards creating the first functioning fusion reactors.

It is essential to continue the research and development of both Fission and Fusion as sources of energy to ensure a sustainable future for our planet.